Dulce de leche brownies


Brownies. Do I even need to say something more? Delicious, dense, fudgy, chocolaty brownies! It’s the best. The one secret to making a good brownie is to take it out of the oven when it’s still not completely baked. Then, let it rest and put it in the fridge over night. I promise you that it’ll be your perfect brownie. It will taste more like the batter and less like a cake (we don’t want a dry brownie). Spread it with dulce de leche and you will be in brownie heaven!


Brownies. Behöver jag säga något mer? Goda, söta, sega, chokladiga brownies! Finns det något godare? Hemligheten bakom en god brownie är att ta ut den ur ugnen innan den är helt färdig bakad. Låt den svalna och ställ den i kylen över natten. När du tar ut den ur kylen kommer det med sannolikhet vara en av de godaste browniesarna du ätit1 Den kommer smaka mer som smeten och mindre som en kaka (inga torra brownies!). Bred på dulce de leche och njut av brownie himlen!

Recipe / Recept

1 jar dulce de leche / 1 burk dulce de leche

10 tablespoons butter / 145 g smör

1.25 cups of sugar / 3 dl socker

3/4 cup cocoa powder / 1.8 dl kakao

1/2 tsp salt / 1/2 tsk salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract / 1 tsk vaniljsocker

2 eggs / 2 ägg

1/2 cup of flour / 1.2 dl mjöl

1. Preheat the oven to 325 F. / Sätt ugnen på 160 grader.

2. Put aluminum foil in a brownie dish, the sides need to show so you can lift it out. / Lägg folie en en fyrkantig ugnssäker form. Sidorna ska välla över så du lätt kan lyfta ur brownien.

3. Melt the butter. / Smält smöret.

4. Mix in all other ingredients. / Blanda i alla andra ingredienser.

5. Bake for about 22 min. / Grädda i ca 22 min.

6. Let cool. / Låt svalna.

7. Spred the dulce de leche on. / Bred på dulce de lechen.

8. Let cool in the fridge for about 10 hours. / Låt stå i kylen i minst 10 h.

9. Done! / Klart!




IMG_0430This past weekend we literally had nothing to do, so my boyfriend and me decided to go camping, we literally forget everything, it was a spur of the moment thing. We just brought some food, sleeping bags, a tent and drove up to this amazing mountain lake, which is situated almost on the top of the mountain. The view is outstanding and the air is so fresh and clean, it’s so nice just to get away from the pollution there is in the city (although I live in the suburb). Being up in the mountains for two days on a mini vacation made you get back to exams fresh and well rested after reading, walking and just doing whatever we wanted for two days.  internet is not working well today, so i can’t upload photos at the time as it literally takes 30 minutes to upload a photo, will add more sometime later


