
November is almost over, and the beginning of the christmas season is officially here, something i’m immensely grateful for, as I LOOOOOVE Christmas. christmas is that time of year that you actually have an excuse to eat cake, ergo the meaning with life, doing crafts and spend lots and lots of time in the kitchen cooking!

November has been an busy month with dissertation decisions, papers to write, exams to study for and presentations to prepare, but that doesn’t mean one do not squeeze in the occasional dinner or activity, apart from university, eating cake and drinking tea i thought i would show a few photos what have been going on during November.

My beau and I went for the most amazing Indian dinner at a small genuine indian place, as you probably can see the food was delicious and super tasty, I will be heading back there sometime soon.


As the festive season is approaching, you start running into hot chocolate booths, crêpes stands and ice skating rinks with christmas music everywhere, so its impossible not to pull ones blades on, lace them on and take to the ice.


Love                                                                                                                                        Charlie